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Starcraft Storyline


Original game


  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  Mar Sara Antiga Prime Tarsonis
Alpha Sq         X X         X
Delta Sq               X X    
Omega Sq                 X    
Garm Br   X X X     X        
Jorm Br X       X         X  
Surtur Br             X        

Four days ago a large alien fleet emerged from warp-space and laid waste to the unsuspecting Confederate
colony of Chau Sara.

1T-0.  "BOOT CAMP" (Office ot the Colonial Magistrate. Mar Sara Colony. 2:25 SCT, 12.12.2499)

Colonial Militia vs Jormungand Brood [Undefinid Creatures]

1T-1. "WASTELAND" (Office of the Colonial Magistrate. Mar Sara Colony)

Colonial Militia vs Garm Brood [Undefinid Creatures]

T-2. "BACKWATER STATION" Office of the Colonial Magistrate. Mar Sara Colony.

Colonial Militia vs Garm Brood [Zerg Swarm]

1T-3. "DESPERATE ALLIANCE". Office of the Colonial Magistrate. Mar Sara Colony.

Colonial Militia vs Garm Brood [Zerg Swarm]

1T-4. "THE JACOBS INSTALLATION" Office of the former Colonial Magistrate. Mar Sara Colony. Three hours after colonial evacuation.

Sons of Korhal vs Alpha Squadron [Confederacy] and Jormungand Brood [Zerg Swarm]

In the wake of the chaos resulting from the Zerg invasion, The Sons of Korhal escaped with the stolen data discs. Fleeing to the border colony of Antiga Prime, Arcturus' group now plans its next crucial moves against the Confederacy.

Thirteen hours after the evacuation of Mar Sara, Protoss warships took up orbit around the colony and unleashed a massive planetary bombardment. All life upon the surface was extinguished.

1T-5. "REVOLUTION" (Secret Staging Area. Second moon of Antiga Prime)

Sons of Korhal vs Alpha Squadron [Confederacy]

1T-6. "NORAD II" (Secret Staging Area. Antiga Prime Colony)

Sons of Korhal vs Garm Brood and Surtur Brood [Zerg Swarm]

T-07. "THE TRUMP CARD" (Secret Staging Area. Antiga Prime Colony)

Sons of Korhal vs Delta Squadron [Confederacy]

The Zerg, lured by the Psi Emitter's signal, descended upon the unsuspecting Confederate forces and annihilated them.
Once again, the Protoss fleet, under the command of High Templar Tassadar, arrived and incinerated the planet.

1T-8. "THE BIG PUSH" (Command Ship Hyperion. Holding perimeter orbit over Confederate Capitol World Tarsonis)

Sons of Korhal vs Delta Squadron and Omega Squadron [Confederacy]

Like a beacon, the combined power of the Psi Emitters reached out to the far corners of the Terran Sector, luring billions of Zerg to the capitol world of Tarsonis. The Zerg, overrunning the Confederacy's best defences, proceeded to lay waste to Tarsonis' major cities and industrial centers.

1T-9. "NEW GETTYSBURG" (Command Ship Hyperion. Holding close orbit over Confederate Capitol World Tarsonis)

Sons of Korhal vs Sargas Tribe [Expeditionary force] and Jormungand Brood [Zerg Swarm]

1T-10. "THE HAMMER FALLS" (Command ship Hyperion. Holding perimeter orbit over Confederate capitol world Tarsonis)

Former colonial Militia vs Alpha Squadron and Elite Guard [Sons of Korhal]


The Swarms have crushed the meagre human resistance and laid waste to nine of the thirteen Terran worlds. Shortly after the fall of the Terran capitol world of Tarsonis, the main Protoss fleet abandoned the Terran Sector. Now, efforts continue on Tarsonis to weed out the remaining Protoss forces.


2Z-01. "AMONG THE RUINS" Confederate Capitol World Tarsonis.

Zerg Swarm vs Omega Squadron [Remnants of the Confederacy]


2Z-02. "EGRESSION" Confederate Capitol World Tarsonis

Zerg Swarm vs Sargas Tribe [Expeditionary force]


With the Protoss forces beaten and scattered, the Overmind has withdrawn the Swarms to the remote ash world of Char.

2Z-03. "THE NEW DOMINION" Primary Hive Cluster. Planet Char

Zerg Swarm vs Alpha Squadron [Terran Dominion]


2Z-04. "AGENT OF THE SWARM" Primary Hive Cluster. Planet Char

Zerg Swarm vs Mar Sara [Former Colonial Militia]


Kerrigan, the newest and most powerful agent of the Overmind, has arisen from her embryonic Chrysalis, but her formidable powers are still not fully functional. Kerrigan must now seek to unravel the Ghost conditioning that keeps her powers in check. Once done, she will lead the Overmind's
minions to complete domination over the unsuspecting Protoss.


2Z-05. "THE AMERIGO" Primary Hive Cluster. Planet Char

Zerg Swarm vs Alpha Squadron [Terran Dominion]


Z-06. "THE DARK TEMPLAR" Primary Hive Cluster. Planet Char.

Zerg Swarm vs Sargas Tribe [Fleet of the Executor]


Z-07. "THE CULLING" Primary Hive Cluster. Planet Char. One hour later.

Zerg Swarm vs Garm Brood [...]


2Z-08. "EYE FOR AN EYE" Primary Hive Cluster. Planet Char.

Zerg Swarm vs Sargas and Akilae tribes [Expeditionary force]

Tassadar and the Dark Templar Zeratul survived Kerrigan's vicious attacks, but their Templar armies have been decimated. Kerrigan, left behind to hunt down and eradicate the remaining Protoss warriors, begins to scour the burning wastelands of Char for her elusive prey.

Meanwhile, the entirety of the extended Zerg Swarm teleported through space-time and began its long awaited invasion of the hated Protoss homeworld of Aiur.


Z-09. "THE INVASION OF AIUR" Zerg Swarm. High orbit over Protoss Homeworld of Aiur

Zerg Swarm vs Auriga, Velari, and Akilae tribes [Vanguard of Aiur]


2Z-10. "FULL CIRCLE" Zerg Swarm. High orbit over Protoss Homeworld of Aiur

Zerg Swarm vs Velari, Ara and Akilae tribes [Vanguard of Aiur]


3P-06. "INTO THE DARKNESS" Protoss Command Ship Gantrithor. Low orbit over the planet Char.

Fleet of the Executor vs Baelrog and Jormungand Broods [Zerg Swarm]

3P-09. "SHADOW HUNTERS" Protoss Command Ship Gantrithor. Low orbit over the planet Aiur.

Fleet of the Executor vs Grendel, Tiamat and Baelrog Broods [Zerg Swarm]


3P-10. "EYE OF THE STORM" Protoss Command Ship Gantrithor. Low orbit over the planet Aiur.

Fleet of the Executor vs Jormungand and Tiamat Broods [Zerg Swarm]


Категорія: Розваги | Додав: statmaster (10.03.2015)
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